
          [舊文] Mansun單曲- Legacy Mansun於1997年推出首張專輯「Attack of the Grey Lantern」與過渡時期的EP「Closed for Business」之後,次年旋即推出第二張專輯「Six」,而Legacy即為夏季先發的探路單曲。不過,光聽Legacy和其中b-sides,仍舊無法推測到「Six」原來是這般野心勃勃 景觀設計的大器之作啊!以下為Legacy的歌詞與當時僅接觸到先發單曲的感想。CD 1 of Legacy (1998-06-29 released) 作者  dranreb (Widow Twankey) 看板 NTUPMC 標題 Mansun 關鍵字行銷 Legacy 時間 Sat Aug 8 23:39:14 1998 If you feel transition to your other life Don't need money to be there Left behind your money just to prove your worth Won't be here so I don't care If you stra 面膜p your conscience to your vision thing Won't be here so I don't care Prove your worth to people that you call your friends Won't be here so I don't care I wouldn't care if I was washed up tomorrow you see 術後面膜Reading novels is banned by the Marquis de Sade All relationships are emptying and temporary Life is wearing me thin I feel so drained , my legacy A sea of faces just like me I've been drained , emotion is a bitter fate Won't be 酒店工作here so I don't care I concede relationships have made me weak Won't be here so I don't care Look for something worthy to replace my guilt Won't be here so I don't care Prove my worth to people who I call my friends Won't be here s 土地買賣o I don't care...... Nobody cares when you're gone...... 維持Mansun式一貫討好的曲調和水平,不知道是否為新專輯的方向? 僅管Paul Draper不斷地強調他源源不絕的靈感,以及取材自human nature's absurdity的作詞方針,一張太好的debut album或多或少招致了一些壓力。L 酒店兼職egacy雖如團員原先透露般「just four band members, just Rock'n'Roll.」,但其實他們以前也並非不搖滾的團,這點從Mansun的現場演出就可以清楚了解。新單曲中,CyberRock、Strings、或是令人稍感意外的harpsichord從來就不是主角,新EP仍舊擺脫不了Mansun原本予人華麗、煽情、憤世嫉俗的刻板印象。 雖然是 關鍵字廣告因為這樣的Mansun而選擇他們,但可能是個人對Draper所謂「創作新意」的誤解,才感到有點失望吧? 歌詞充滿著自陷自溺於空虛人生的感傷,剛開始聽時的確容易為chorus部分的激情所吸引,然而最重要的一句總結「Nobody cares when you're gone.」卻是如此平靜愉悅,彷彿前面的抱怨僅為了點明:「人生就是這樣平凡庸碌,我?租屋怚u是開了個過於真實的玩笑而已。」 MCB的樂評認為這是Mansun至今作過最有深意的作品,不太有同感。 網路上已經可以看到新專輯「Six」的曲目,分為Part 1、Interlude與Part 2。也許他們依舊會把每首歌連接起來,也許結果不會如人所料般公式化;看到Paul總是那麼信心滿滿的樣子實在很難不相信他,大概,這就是我無法對Mansun失望的另一個原 21世紀房屋仲介因。  .

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